Sunday, 2 October 2011

Ilminster Carnival 2011

Last night we had the annual illuminated carnival procession pass through the town and by all accounts a fine time was had by all who attended. Here's a picture of just one of the beautifully made floats.

Travellers move in to Canal Way, Ilminster

This week I notice that travellers / gypsies have taken up residence in a layby at the far end of Canal Way. When the van they and their dogs reside in isn't there they even leave half their belongings behind in the street.

What a bloody eyesore and surely some sort of health hazard! See picture for details of part of the encampment.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

FUN FAIR, Recreation Ground, Ilminster

The fun fair has arrived and set-up at the recreation grounds in Ilminster. Open every night from 6-30pm until late. Saturday from 2.30pm. Leaves on Sunday. Don't miss out on all the fun of the fair!

Monday, 27 June 2011

Ile Valley Flower Club, Ilminster

Nearly 2000 stems of flowers and foliage are being prepared by the Ladies of the Ile Valley Flower Club this week, for VISION of ILMINSTER in Flowers, a Floral Art Exhibition, with the proceeds going to the worthy cause of Children’s Hospice South West, the Flower Club Chairman Jenny Chance’s Charity this year.

Jenny, says “The flower exhibits are going to show the Town, it’s retailers and businesses in many different forms of arranging, from a money tree, to the shops depicting an Ilminster Wedding, from the famous Carnival to Convenience shops, as well as the oldest retailer in town, there is lots to see”

Do come along on Saturday 2nd or Sunday 3rd July, doors will be open from 10.00 to 5.00 with admission £1.00 children free, at The Parish Hall North Street Ilminster.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Ilminster Midsummer Experience

Ilminster Midsummer Experience is this week! Lots of events - food and craft market; classic and historic vehicle show; dog show, strolling garage sale; open house at the masonic hall and more. Pick-up a leaflet in the town centre for full details or click on the photo above for a poster view of the various events happening all over Ilminster, 8th - 12th June 2011.

Desert Island Discs with Headmaster Greenfylde School

Don't miss:

Desert Island discs with Mr. Jon Jeffery, Head teacher of Greenfylde School, Ilminster!

- a talk about his life and work, plus, of course, an opportunity to hear his favourite songs/pieces of music.

This evening, 8th June at 7.30pm in the Minster Church.

Tickets: £6.00 (to include a glass of wine)