Wednesday 28 April 2010

Garden Waste Collection Service Ilminster

Garden Waste Collection Service

All households across South Somerset are now be able to opt in to a garden waste collection service.

The annual charge for people joining or renewing for the year commencing April 1st 2010 will be £42.50, which is excellent value for 25 fortnightly collections each year.

The alternative option of compostable sacks are still available.

To subscribe to the garden waste collection service contact South Somerset District Council customer services on 01935 462462.

I mention this garden waste service as it has been reported to Ilminster Online via email that on Saturday "a middle aged woman and her grown-up daughter" were seen dumping quantities of garden waste from their garden in Adams Meadow along the cycle path from Ilminster to Donyatt.

Surely if one can afford to live in a nice new house in Adams Meadow, £ 42,50 a year isn't too much to pay for your rubbish to be removed by the council rather than it being dumped in the countryside ...

(The rubbish dumping pair's neighbour has offered to photograph the Adams Meadow litterers the next time they are spotted doing the deed. In which case we'll publish it here for all to see.)

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